Bored! im not enjoying my 3 months holiday. well,so far im not doin anything. im just wasting my time at home. Lame! im going to have hsbc party on sunday nite. i might goin there just by wearing short pant n tee. as for nx tuesday, i will go to KK with nana, roz n the rest of our friends. I hope i will having fun there. hopefully.. hehe.
AT first, we were planning to go there by boat but unfortunately, rough sea ryt now so we had to cancel. Now, we will go there by car.. sigh~ i wish i cn go there by boat coz i never have the experience.
On the 12th july, my x-sixth form classmate is organizing our sixth form re-union. i haven make up my mind le.. i might go there alone or i will bring someone with me.. i just dont know yet. Today is the last day to tell her n yes, i haven make up my mind. :D may god bless me.